If you listen closely, every once in awhile a career politician will accidentally give their true position away.
such was the case recently with State Senate Majority Leader Martin M. Looney, who has been the Democratic state senator from the 11th District for 22 years.
MarryE. O'Leary, of the New Haven Register, quotes Sen. Looney as saying, Republican strategy since the 1980s, is to "dismantle government, disable government and prevent government from being able to run effectively and then blame it for not being able to run effectively. Democrats recognize that while government may not be the answer all the time, effective government is an important answer a good deal of the time.
Translation: Democrats tend to believe that more government and more of your tax dollars is the answer to many of our problems.
I respectfully but vociferously disagree.
More regulations won't make more businesses move to Connecticut and hire people. If that were the case, our state unemployment rate would be near zero right now.
More government intervention doesn't mean better education for our children.
If that were the case, Connecticut's educational achivement gap wouldn't be the largest in the entire nation, which it is. And such large numbers of mostly black and brown young men wouldn't be going directly from high school to hard time in prison.
More taxes dollars on candy and so-called junk food, as proposed by Democrat Sen Richard Blumenthal, won't make our fat children suddenly shed pounds by switching to carrot sticks during their hours in front of the Xbox. But this sweet deal would most certainly lead to another cavity in the taxpayer's pocketbook.
Some things, like Parenting, Personal Responsibility and visionary Free Enterprise which drives innovation and puts people to work are all NON-LEGISLATABLE.
Benjamin Franklin, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote,
"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have need of more masters."
Apparently Senator Looney and his peers believe that we the unwashed peasants are too stupid to look after ourselves and are in need of more master government to look after us, at our own expense.
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