While we as a nation continue to try and wrap our collective head around the unspeakable tragedy that occurred in Newtown on December 14th 2012, and as the issues of gun control, gun violence and mental health are now firmly planted on the front burner of our political stove, there are some people in the black community asking the question, what took you so long to recognize gun violence as a problem because black people have been dealing with this for years? Dr Cornel West laments that there is “not a peep, not a mumbling word when black folk get shot.”
The city of New Haven alone has seen fifty-one murders in the past twenty-one months but the level of outrage from the parents, politicians, and clergy that matter most is sadly lacking. Then of course there is the city of Chicago with 500 homicides in 2012 alone.
By the way, since 2001 the number of
American troops killed in Afghanistan is about 2000. During the same time
period more 5,000 people have been killed by gunfire in and around Chicago, the
overwhelming majority of the victims were black.
It doesn’t mean that not every violent death is a tragedy because make no mistake every life that is cut short is a huge loss not only to the family but to society as a whole which is robbed of the promise that resides within every human life.
In Philadelphia at around 12:30am a 17
year old boy was shot and killed. By 3:00am there were two more bodies
littering the streets of the city of brotherly love.
In my native city of Cleveland, at 2:50am police found an unidentified black male shot to death on the front porch of an east side home.
The reason the mainstream media pays so
little attention to these killings of mostly black and brown people has less to
do with racism than the simple fact
there are just too many of them.
And folks, white people can’t fix that,
only black people can.
This is why I am choosing to focus my efforts on inspiring and motivating as many young minds as possible with the idea that their lives are valuable and filled with the promise of greatness and opportunity. Maybe some of those young minds will in turn begin to see value in the lives of their peers as well.
Winsley is a former U.S. Congressional Candidate, award winning speaker and
author. He lives in Connecticut.
Well said Wayne...
ReplyDeleteAnyone who thinks that gun violence is is a racial issue simply exposes their ignorance. This is a SOCIETAL problem.
We have lost the nuclear family. WE have no core values anymore...and that has nothing to do with religion by the way...that has to do with values of the importance of family, being a responsible person, getting educated, finishing what you've started and especially the value of hard work and so on...
Those values are gone...
Until we get them back this descent into oblivion will continue for this once great and proud nation...
Apparently Wayne thinks it's a racial issue. And the MSM pays no attention to it because 1. It doesn't fit their agenda; 2- Blacks apparently don't care. Over and over we hear the same song...and what has changed? Nothing. Blacks and minority groups continue promote and highlight themselves as separate, and then blame whites. Where are the black leaders promoting unity?? We are all Americans... until one of us is black...
DeleteAnd I wish everyone would STOP using the code-words "gun violence". It's called MURDER or ARMED ROBBERY/ASSAULT. We have laws for that.
No Wayne, the sensational mass murders in Newtown are incredibly different from random shootings of individuals be they white, black, brown, yellow or green. You're a fool for trying to claim this is some kind of racial issue. No wonder you lost so incredibly badly when you ran for Congress. If you're going to continue to try and make a name for yourself in politics, you're going to have to come back to realilty.
ReplyDeleteLisa and Richard Hertz I respectfull request that you actually READ what I posted above.
ReplyDeleteIn this post I am speaking TO those who, like Dr. west, are trying to make this a racual issue by complaining that the media doesn't pay attention to minorities that murder each other.
I go on to state clearly that "THIS HAS LESS TO DO WITH RACISISM THAN THE SIMPLE FACT THAT THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY OF THEM." I use examples from today's news reports to make my point.
Let me be more clear. It is an undeniable reality that black folk shoot each other every day all across urban America in such numbers that it is just not big news anymore. It is reported, the murders are reported but not big news because unfortunately such murders have become as common as car accidents.
I also make the point that unlike most of our elected officials and unelected pundits, I AM ACTUALLY GETTING INVOLVED AND TRYING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
And yes Lisa, we are all Americans which is why I don't seperate myself as an African-American or anything else, I'm an American who just happens to be black.
LOL! I know you are not a racist Wayne..and I know you are involved.. and I certainly DID READ your post...but the title of your piece is so typical. I am sick to death of the black/white crap. Actually there are those who make the case that the tide is so obviously turning the other way...it is an all out war on whites.. but I digress..how about responding to my questions above? Where are the black leaders? And why when they do show up is the focus on blackness?? And if we want to focus on our ethnic back rounds, when will it be OK for whites to do so?? Where are these kids fathers? How long do we have to hear the same old woes before we change direction?
ReplyDeleteSo-called black leaders have been bought off by the WHITE liberal establishment so they don't call attention to the real problems. Most black youth killed in gun violence are criminals and gang members.
DeleteThere is one leader who happens to be black. He constantly speaks out to try to save young blacks. And he lives in Connecticut. His problem is that he is virtually unknown. Both the Democrat Party AND the Republican Party wants to keep it that way. Those establishment icons need to perpetuate the Status Quo for financial gain. And the undertakers keep getting the calls in the morning.
Yep... it's whitey's fault..again. Sigh..
DeleteLisa when I read your comments I wonder a few things. I wonder who your grandparents and parents were and what morals did they teach or hold in the highest regard? What neighborhood you grew up in? There are a lot of questions that could have helped determine what kind of person your are and your ideals as an American. The murders that are happening in these urban settings are a direct correlation to these same questions. If you grew up in a world where your grandparents worked in factories and your parents abused drugs would you be on a path to success? The people who commit these murders are not given a fair shake at life. Violence comes from lack of education, and a feeling that it is the only way to survive. From the way you speak it seems that you would not know anything about this, or about anything that black leaders are doing in their communities. Before your comments did you research what black leaders were doing or did you just make an uneducated guess from a generalization of the way you see black leaders from your skewed vision of the country.
ReplyDeleteWayne, I don't know how more clear I can be, the sensational mass murders in Newtown are incredibly different from random shootings of individuals be they white, black, brown, yellow or green.
ReplyDeleteYour little opinion piece here certainly with the BIG BOLD headline "WHY WHITE AMERICA IGNORES URBAN GUN VIOLENCE" written the way you wrote it begs you to be criticized so don't be surprised when people like Lisa and me tell you you're full-o-crap.
If you want to be the knight on the white horse with your "I AM ACTUALLY GETTING INVOLVED AND TRYING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT." fluff talk then fine but don't precede it with a bunch of $hit-stirring gobbledegook and expect it to go unchallenged.
Richard, I have no problem being challenged. If I did I'd stay home and stay off the internet. Since you did me the honor of not only reading my words but taking the time and effort to enrich the discourse by adding your own, I just wanted to make sure you got the point I was making.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a knight, white or otherwise. I'm just a fellow American trying to do what I can for my community and country. As for the blank-stirring headline, well...:)
Well, RubenGoodwin's response is so typical... answers none of my questions, but poses his own..all in an attempt to insult and discredit me and change the subject...after all, if my Mom wasn't a drug addict, I have no idea what's going on. I notice how he makes no mention of personal responsibility, or choice; or all the liberal freaks who govern our urban cities.. But he goes on to give the same reasons for the violence that have been known for decades... and yet.. nothing has changed. Look like it's not working for ya, Ruben.. Color me "surprised"...
ReplyDeleteLisa I was not trying to discredit you, I just want you to be able to understand the questions you pose are not simple to answer. If you have not lived in the same situation that children are who commit these violet acts with guns-how can you truly understand why they do it. Many of their fathers are not in their lives for many different reasons. I am not going to advocate that its right but I will try and make you understand. Its not that most of these fathers don't love their children, they are caught up in certain situations that often do not have the best outcome for their entire family. Why? Lack of CHOICE and opportunity, it is a vicious cycle, I know. Prison, divorce and jail have left many young black children fatherless and until we stop the cycle that instills fear, anger and the feeling of being disenfranchised by a country made up of people like yourself who don't understand then these crimes will continue. To answer your question...Why do black leaders only focus on blackness? You have answered this question already,if they don't who will? A great folk singer once said "The Times they are a Changin" this is very true when thinking about the state of African Americans in our great country. The last question I will answer for you is when will white people be able to advocate for their own race? I took the liberty of looking up the word ethnicity for you, it is defined as "The fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition". When you look at our country who's national and cultural traditions are at the forefront of our society. I think you and every other white American has been advocating for their own race since European immigrants stole this land from its natural inhabitants. Why do you mind if African American leaders advocate for the empowerment of their own people. When I look at the top CEO's, congressmen, senators, State Representatives and military leaders most of them share your skin color. Do you think that reflects the population? I don't have all the answers to why violence exist in our country but I am pretty sure I have a better idea than you.
ReplyDeleteWayne, Just showed this to a work colleague, he's interested in serving on the Westside in Bpt. What can we do to help support you? There's many people in the urban areas, that are willing to help you, keep up the good fight. Regards Mark
ReplyDeleteWhile Ruben states in his first sentence that he is not trying to discredit me, he goes on to call me a racist... ...the feeling of being disenfranchised by a country made up of people like yourself who don't understand then these crimes will continue... The points made in this post are old and tired, and could be argued easily.. but why bother... it's obvious that the closed mindedness of some in the black community are just that. As for being adequately represented by your own, as being only 12-14% of the population, there are those who would point out that you are. The reality is, many leaders of the black community are at fault here by promoting victim-hood, and constantly fighting for not equal rights, but "special" rights. Once again, no mention of personal responsibility. Even Dannel 888 above blames the white establishment for "buying" off the black would-be leaders...but has nothing to say about their willingness to be bought...
ReplyDeleteWhile Ruben derides the white European immigrants for "stealing" this land from its natural inhabitants.. he fails to mention how countries are over the planet have seized land since the dawn of time. And seems to believe that America is full of racist whites; while his own community beats down any of their own who don't march to their drum...so much for unity.
“People who pride themselves on their "complexity" and deride others for being "simplistic" should realize that the truth is often not very complicated. What gets complex is evading the truth.”
― Thomas Sowell
"This is why I am choosing to focus my efforts on inspiring and motivating as many young minds as possible" Do me a favor and shoot me an e-mail. I would love to pick your brain on just how you plan to do this. I grew up in Detroit and I am trying to stay as active as possible within the city to inspire and motivate, however I am not male and I don't know how to get through to the young men I speak to. I would love to get your insight. info@willworkfor-experience.com