The Conservative Capitalist

The Conservative Capitalist
The Conservative Capitalist

Friday, September 21, 2012

Put The People First: Suspend All Gas Taxes Now

NAUGATUCK, CONN – September 21: Wayne Winsley, committed to restore the Public Trust as the people’s next   3rd U.S. Congressional District representative, today released the following statement:
The price of gasoline across the country is way too high; and, the ‘Price of Gas in Connecticut’ is outrageously high.  That’s because Incumbents in both the Congress and CT State Government are out of touch with the people.

Again, I call on every Incumbent/Challenger for the US Congress as well as the CT State Legislature to join me in Suspending the Federal Gas Tax and all CT State Gas Taxes effective October 1, 2012.

We must not wait for January.  In fact, we must take immediate action right now ‘for the people’.
All CT residents will ‘Save $.67 CENTS PER GALLON’ at the pump beginning October 1st... if, both Incumbents and Challengers are willing to ‘Put The People First’.

(The $.67 CENTS PER GALLON of Gas Taxes includes the Federal Government Gas Tax of ‘18.4 cents per gallon as well as the Connecticut State Government Gas Taxes which are ‘48.9 cents per gallon.)

It’s time:  Each current CT Federal Incumbent (Blumenthal, Lieberman, Courtney, DeLauro, Himes, Larson and Murphy) publicly call for - and have Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid publicly call for- President Obama to call Congress back immediately to pass federal legislation suspending the Federal Gas Tax placed on the people of the 50 states; and,

It’s time:  Governor Malloy call the Connecticut General Assembly into Special ‘One-Day’ Session to pass legislation suspending all State Government Gas Taxes placed on the people purchasing gasoline at the pump; and,

It’s time:  All the people save money at the gas pump including --- those who commute to jobs -- those who drive to job interviews -- those in business with vehicles on the road -- those in business who could add new jobs --- and those struggling to purchase food for their family. The immediate suspension of all gas taxes will help all the people. 
It’s time:  Put the People First

To speak directly with Wayne Winsley, schedule a media interview, or to schedule a visit with your group, organization or association,                                      contact him directly by phone at 860-248-0324 or via email .
Media Release 092112                                                                                                           # # #

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