The Conservative Capitalist

The Conservative Capitalist
The Conservative Capitalist

Monday, February 18, 2013

Why Does Government Want to Disarm You While Arming Itself?

In recent months we have seen proposed gun control legislation that seeks to do everything from banning certain types of weapons, limiting magazine sizes, to even taxing the bullets themselves.
Meanwhile, our government is literally buying bullets like they are going out of style.

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone
To put that in perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month. Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.

This is not a conspiracy theory or even a pro-second amendment statement. I am simply posing a question that even the most ardent gun control supporter should be asking.
If your next door neighbor went to the local store and purchased 200 rounds of ammunition, many of you would be very concerned and want to know, “What on earth do they need that much firepower for, what are they planning to do?”

Well…your civilian government is stockpiling ammo at a faster rate than the military and at the same time seeking to restrict civilian access to firearms and even ammunition.
You might want to ask, Why, exactly, is the DHS stockpiling massive amounts of ammo?

This post cites and reprints information taken from the sources linked below.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Your Kid Gets a Checkup from the Neck Up Need it or Not

General Assembly
Proposed Bill No. 374
January Session, 2013
LCO No. 2001
Referred to Committee on PUBLIC HEALTH
Introduced by:
SEN. HARP, 10th Dist.
REP. WALKER, 93rd Dist.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
That section 10-206 of the general statutes be amended to require (1) each pupil enrolled in public school at grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 and each home-schooled child at ages 12, 14 and 17 to have a confidential behavioral health assessment, the results of which shall be disclosed only to the child's parent or guardian, and (2) each health care provider performing a child's behavioral health assessment to complete the appropriate form supplied by the State Board of Education verifying that the child has received the assessment.
Statement of Purpose:
To provide behavioral health assessments to children.

Spotting a mental health problem early and preventing another tragedy like the recent one in Sandy Hook is important.

But as the parent of a school aged child, I find the above proposal dangerous, invasive, and outrageous.

Our well-meaning legislators want to ensure that every child whether in public school or home school, is given periodic behavioral health assessments, whether they need them or not, whether they have shown any signs of having a problem or not.

These assessments are usually given to children who have already been determined to be in need.  Now even the most well behaved child would be given these tests.  

The proposal is Dangerous, because the government has now created a small, “big brother” that will follow my child around for the rest of her days.

You may say that they are just children and this record won’t follow them. But if your insurance company requires records, it may or may not affect their quality of care (pre-existing condition) in the future. If your child has gone through a stressor that would affect their assessment (divorce, family job loss, housing change etc…) they may now test as an “in need child” or “problem child” as mental health professional would tell us.

The proposal is invasive because unlike health vaccinations which are administered to prevent contagious diseases, this testing requirement now goes not only into our public schools which is invasive enough, but in the case of homeschoolers it is even more frightening. Homeschooling parents have chosen to have freedom of religion, freedom of nutritional choice, and freedom of educational choices, but now the government has found a way to burst through those freedoms and into their child’s life.

The proposal is outrageous because the eight simple lines are so open to interpretation on so many levels that the potential for abuse and mismanagement are huge.  

This proposed piece of legislation should never leave the committee room. Call or email your representative whether they are on the public health committee or not and urge them to stop this proposal in its tracks.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Game Day

On Sunday February 3rd. I was invited to speak to a meeting of the Connecticut Union of College Republicans. Here is a portion of what I shared.